Our research lab employs community participatory and mixed methods approaches to position nutrition as central to the wellbeing of our communities.

Our Mission

To conduct rigorous research in collaboration with communities to improve food systems, nutrition, and health.

Bringing Communities to the Table

At our lab, we employ community-participatory and mixed methods approaches to:

1-Understand what are the structural and systems drivers of differences in diet (i.e. what we eat and drink).

2-Document what are the implications of these differences on the health, wellbeing and development of our communities.

3-Identify what needs to be done at the short, medium and long term to improve diets and their consequences.

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Scientific Publications

Research Projects


Focus on Restaurant Engagement to Strengthen Health

Water Up!

Leverage community partnership to increase healthy eating


Transforming local food systems for a healthier planet


Assessing the impact disasters have on nutrition security and how to better prepare for them